Here's a Debian+corelwine-cvs success story... I use Debian potato aka 2.2 (glibc 2.1.3 based). My WPO2000 was completely unusable as supplied by Corel, because of focus problems and hangups. (They also didn't honor their rebate offer, so, not only was it broken, but also expensive! Grrrrrr....) The process was simple... 1. Download 2. Convert it to a .deb using alien: alien corelwine-cvs-0.1-1.i386.rpm 3. Install the .deb: su -c 'dpkg -i corelwine-cvs-0.1-1.i386.rpm' 4. Test it by launching WPO2000 applications prefixed with a library path override, e.g: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/corel/wine-cvs/lib wordperfect 5. If happy with the results, make it permanent. As superuser... cd /usr/lib/corel/ mv wine wine-orig ln -sf wine-cvs wine cd /usr/lib/corel/bin mv wpolauncher wpolauncher.orig ln -sf wpolauncher I can't vouch for the overall stability yet, but it DOES fix the focus behavior! WPO2000 now seems useable, where before it was a hopeless basket case. Thanks to Michael Torrie for pulling together the corel cvs wine rpm. Derek