Last Saturday we held a Darkfriends' Social near Washington DC, the fourth gathering of what is apparently becoming quite an institution. Seeing that no one else has posted a summary, I'll do so here, though I must confess that my memories are fogged by 4 days of driving with a collective 15 hours of sleep. But my whirlwind tour of seven Middle- Atlantic states is another matter entirely. We met at the Rio Grande Cafe in Arlington VA. Just for kicks, I gave my name as Robert Jordan when I put the group on the waiting list. That helped because some people actually asked for 'the Robert Jordan group'. When the hostess called over the loudspeaker, "Robert Jordan, please meet your group at the front desk," I almost fell off my barstool laughing. Uno either missed it or was totally unamused. As Cynner already mentioned, we waited quite a while for our table, despite the fact that I put our group on the list more than 45 minutes before we wanted seats. Cynner spoke to the hostesses -- I vaguely recall some braid-tugging and the words, "make you regret the day your father first smiled at your mother" -- and we eventually sat down, eleven of us in all. Twelve if you count piglet's spirit from T'A'R. Dinner discussion revolved around many topics, and as big as our group was, we were usually discussing three at once. I don't remember much of what we talked about, so perhaps some of the other darkfriends who were there can help me fill in this part. One highlight was our discovery of a chalkboard and chalk in the men's bathroom -- what a great alternative to graffiti! Before we left, the board was adorned with such gems as "Robert Jordan Darkfriend Social", "MPS = Mad Purple Stegasaurus", "Roy 'n' Lanfear", and "I Hawk". There were a few others; maybe Uno and Sir MPS (both of whom had a lot of chalk on their hands that night) can mention a few. The lively discussion, started after we left the restaurant and took up residence at a table in the garden outside. Hawk's friend, Judith, was quite a character. She expressed interest in the role of Corianin Nedeal, saying she wanted to be a Dreamer, but was a bit hesitant about accepting the part of someone suspected of being a Darkfriend. Given Judith's behavior, though, I'd say the most appropriate role for her is Graendal. Oddball quotes remembered from the evening: "What the hell does a heron look like?" -unknown "It's a tradeoff... men can piss on walls." -Chad "She's got my pants!" - Mike M., now recovering from sexual abuse "If I'm good with my hands, does it matter if I can cook?" -Judith/Graendal "So, Bill, when's the next social?" -about six different people "Ugh." -Bill Additions/corrections/comments welcomed. -- Bill Garrett Nobody, on their deathbed, ever said, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office"